May 31, 2011
So, what's the point of life/living??
到老的時間, 就用錢去換取時間
So, what's the point of life/living??
May 26, 2011
May 25, 2011
"How many things before and after, all melt into gossip and laughter".
"How many things before and after, all melt into gossip and laughter".
"...While I got nowwhere and accomplished nothing.
If you ask me what we are fighting for, I will tell you I fought for myself".
"...Have you ever thought that in fact we [people] have both been going round in circles??
Except that mine is a big one that took decades to finish.
I was so naive to believe that man can prevail over destiny.
In the end, fate has arranged for us.
As the ending is pre-destined, the process no longer matters.
The title of Invincible General means nothing.
Winners and losers are just roles we were given to play.
...It is time for me to proceed with my last mission...
...[We] have only went through one big circle in [our] life, but what a wonderful journey...
...When our missions are accomplished, we shall meet again"...
"...The long united must divide, and the long divided must unite".
"Hong many things before and after, all melt into gossip and laughter".
May 24, 2011
May 23, 2011
May 18, 2011
5 minutes to express Hong Kong:
5 minutes to express Hong Kong:
$$$$$$$; Money; Fast; Clothing; Too many people; Small; Crowed; Rush; Public transportation; Tall buildings; Stuffy; Wet; Hot; Pollution; China; British; England; 50 years; Fashion; Materialism; Appearance; Update; Competitive; Realistic; Food; Uniform; Public Examinations; Exams; Quizzes; Tests; Study hard; Ranking; HKCEE; HKALE; Grade; A; Tourism; Beautiful; Harbor; International; Commercial; Chinese; Jackie Chan; Bruce Lee; Action movies; TVB; 董伯伯; 長毛; 搞事; 立法會; 不滿; Complaint…
[This is just my feelings or impressions about (living in) Hong Kong.]
5 minutes to express the United States:
5 minutes to express the United States:
Freedom (maybe); Individual; Patient; Monopoly; Company; Google; Apple; Iphone; Ipad; Facebook; Nosy government; Top; Control; Debate; Debt; China; Budget cut; Deficit; Financial crisis; Economic Downturn; Universal health care; Race; Color; Diversity; Diverse; Sexuality; Racial discrimination; Crazy people; Slow; Languages; English; Spanish; Obama; Osama; White house; Nice; Native Americans; Avatar; Christians; Christ; Church; God; Gun; Deadly force; Technology; Green technology; Las Vegas; Sale; Advertisements; Fun; Fast food; Social; Social networking; Big; Boring…
[This is just my feelings or impressions about (living in) the U.S.]
May 16, 2011
車子有它的好處, 也有它的壞處
但壞處是排出廢氣, 破壞環境
人也一樣, 有好也壞, 有善也有惡
不是為了排出廢氣, 破壞環境
但當時, 我們有沒有想過它的壞處??
祂有否想過人類的壞處, 人類邪惡的一面呢??
(If not, what is wrong if people do something bad, wrong or evil??)
但我相信在不久的將來, 車子的壞處會愈來愈少 (because we are now making “green” cars).
就正如人類一樣, 我相信人類邪惡的一面會隨着時間愈來愈少
人類會變得愈來愈好, human is getting better in the near future.
但無論怎樣, 世界上沒有一樣東西是真正完美的。
However, nothing is perfect in the world whether how long it takes.
人如車子 一樣都有死亡消逝的一天
人如車子有生老病死 或 只有生和死
無論怎樣檢查車子(或電腦)的品質 (QC)
到了出廠時, 每架車子都有毛病 (no matter how best the product is.)
你買的車子有多少毛病, 就在乎你的運氣
但無論它的毛病很少也好, 車子也會有 「死亡」的一天
人人都要面對死亡, 沒有人能够逃避
你生命的長短就正如你的車子一樣, 只在乎你的運氣
出生時, 他已經懷有很多很多毛病
「生死有命, 富貴由天。」我非常認同。
講了這麼多的話, and what I am trying to say is: 人如車子(機器)