June 29, 2011

Chickens and pigs are our foods.
Cats and dogs are our pets.
Life is definitely not fair at all.
人生有開始, 就有終結
就如在電影院 看完電影後的一種失落
"All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players". by Shakespeare
cherish every opportunity you get to perform
cherish every chance you act in life


我建廟供僧, 有何功德
達摩說: "一無功德"

An emperor asked Buddha,
⋯⋯"what favors do I earn for building temples?"
Buddha replied, "You earn no favors."
The more you try to dig for meaning, the less meaningful it becomes. 你越想意義就越沒有意義.


In the world of drama, reality is meaningless. 現實是沒有意義的.
人生如戲 (遊戲 or 戲劇)
我們人人都是演員; 不是編劇, 又不是導演, 只是一個個角式.

人生為何? 何為人生?

人生為何? 何為人生?
I saw a poster on the bus, which said, “There is something [I] can do”.
What I really like about this sentence is: the word – SOMETHING.
That makes me feel that my life is a little bit meaningful because of the word – SOMETHING.
I really hope that there is really something I can do for/to people...

"There is something you can do".

"There is something you can do".
說得不錯, 無根就無我們

但沒有我們, 就沒有(人類的)將來
沒有我們, 人類就會滅絕
但人類滅絕, 也沒不好
因新品種, 新生物 就會岀現
就如恐龍滅絕, 人類就岀現了
沒有恐龍, 就沒有了人類的岀現
What I am trying to say is: 人類滅絕也不是一件壞事呢

June 27, 2011

What the hack of people (humans) doing or living in the earth.
The Earth and the world are full of s#!t.

June 18, 2011


說得不錯, 無根就無我們

但沒有我們, 就沒有(人類的)將來

沒有我們, 人類就會滅絕

但人類滅絕, 也沒不好

因新品種, 新生物 就會岀現

就如恐龍滅絕, 人類就岀現了

沒有恐龍, 就沒有了人類的岀現


What I am trying to say is: 人類滅絕也不是一件壞事呢

I saw a poster on the bus which said “There is something [I] can do”.

What I really like about this sentence is: the word – SOMETHING.

That makes me feel that my life is a little bit meaningful because of the word – SOMETHING.

I really hope that there is really something I can do for/to people.

If not, what’s the point??

June 17, 2011

First time in my life to taste and have Native American food: Succotash and Venison. =) I think they are good.


一生不就是為着金錢, 自己, 人類, 知識而奔走

June 8, 2011

You can say that you have lots of time because you are still young. You should not blame 24 hours is not enough because everyone has 24 hours per day whether in the past or in the present. But, the most important point I want to make is: Don't wasting your time; at least find something to do and work on.

June 7, 2011


說話 王力










June 4, 2011


yeah. it is really a good news, and it is definitely not that easy to win this champion. However, there should be a Chinese woman who could/will win this game. It just depends on how long it takes (for a Chinese woman to win this tennis champion). ‎...and now her name is 李娜. It is the same case like Barack Obama. Obama, the first African American president. So, when will we have the first Chinese American president of the United States of America?? ...and it really just depends on the time. What we can do is: just waiting. It is not you and me. It should be someone else.
As a passenger, we want to be fast in order to save (much of) our time; however, there will always be mistakes when driving fast...and accident(s) may occur. So...
"Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all". Emily Dickinson

June 3, 2011

If earth was destroyed...

If earth was destroyed, we would never have the issue or problem about/of good and evil, because evil will not exist anymore if the world or the earth is without animals or humans. And only good things exist in the world.

memory is the best thing that we have in our life. If we lost our (life) memory after we die...and we have nothing at all. So, what's the point??

memory is the best thing that we have in our life.
If we lost our (life) memory after we die...and we have nothing at all.
So, what's the point??

4 hrs left for myself.

Not many hours for myself if I work.
I have only 4 hours a day if I work.
24 hrs a day - 8 hrs working - 8 hrs sleeping - 4 hrs transportation
= 4 hrs left for myself.