November 24, 2014

I know i know! And the most important sentence is in the BOTTOM BOTTOM of the picture! ''珍惜身邊每一個人''!

November 20, 2014

現在活著不再是我,乃是基督在我活著!it is an entire life learning! 因住在我裡面,依靠自己的,不依靠靈的,就是我肉體。

We need confidence and we should all encourage each other that i will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of the faith.

November 16, 2014

做人做事不要太執着,因我本來就不是這種人,為何我弄到自己這麼煩惱?這麼辛苦? 但我想唯有主的事就要執着一点!

November 11, 2014


November 10, 2014

需要主继續的管治我!主繼續的帶領我一生,跟隨他走! (HWMR week 32 day 1)

November 8, 2014


i miss YOU - SCHOOL! i wish i never graduated! However, the worst part is: TIME never goes backward! finally realized schooling is the best part in my life, at least there is no school on Saturday and Sunday :) Enjoy your time when you are still in school! ah! what i can do NOW is to enjoy the PRESENT! AH!

November 7, 2014

主的恩典必够我用,i dont need to 努力struggle!Enjoy His Grace and 要勝得基督!

November 6, 2014

是主把我的虛空人生變詩歌,我有的不再是世界、電視和好朋友,反而是基督、召會和同伴。May the Lord preserve me i just want You and brothers and sisters

nearer each day to me:

November 3, 2014

Life without the Lord - the spirit and the Body - brothers and sister (the church) is meaningless! 

November 2, 2014