April 29, 2011
April 27, 2011
April 26, 2011
The gas is getting expensive again. $$$$$
...and the gold is much pricey. $$$$$$$$$
April 25, 2011
Always be thankful for having a life and a relationship in the past.
Always be thankful for having a life and a relationship in the past.
April 22, 2011
really a great opportunity. this is my first time to work at the hot line.
April 21, 2011
“打麻雀, 比錢買難受”.
I really have not thought this before.
I totally agree with that.
Are there any other things that are “比錢買難受”?? =)
April 20, 2011
I like that...
April 19, 2011
It was okay to discriminate people base on RACE unitl 1954 in the United States.
This was only 57 years ago.
This country (the United States) has a very long history of Racial discrimination.
it is so sad that (racial) discrimination is still exist in today's society.
Will discrimination disappear one day??
April 18, 2011
Today, a bad day
April 16, 2011
We not always have many chances. We may only have one chance in our life.
We not always have many chances. We may only have one chance in our life.
April 14, 2011
April 12, 2011
April 11, 2011
Only God knows
" Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix ".
April 9, 2011
sad :(
【明報專訊】美國 一項針對中國大陸、香港等10個地區大學生的調查發現,大學生對facebook(fb)、手機、電視等的迷戀程度,形同毒品之於隱君子、煙草之於煙民,八成受訪者表示會因僅僅一天接觸不到上述科技產品,而出現精神苦悶、身體不適、驚恐、混亂或極度孤立等感覺。
馬里蘭州大學聯同薩爾斯堡學院發表名為《The world unplugged》的研究,指出世界各地大學生已視手機、手提電腦、電視,以及社交網絡fb、twitter等現代科技產物為不可或缺。研究訪問了本港中文大學、樹仁大學 ,中國重慶大學,以及分佈英國 、美國、墨西哥、阿根廷 、智利、斯洛伐克、黎巴嫩 的大學,合共近1000名17至23歲的大學生,要求他們每日記錄不准用手機、不准上網和登入社交網站,不准看電視的感覺,諸如會否感到煩躁、困惑、焦慮、易怒、沒有安全感、緊張、不安、瘋狂、癡迷、驚慌失措、嫉妒、憤怒、孤獨、依賴、抑鬱、緊張、偏執等。
調查結果顯示,有79%大學生表示會出現上述部分負面感覺。調查稱,兩成受訪者明顯出現類似濫藥者「吊癮」的反應。有11%感覺混亂與挫敗,19% 報稱苦惱,11%覺得孤立。只有21%表示感受到不用科技產物的好處。一名接受調查的重慶大學學生說﹕「我不能打手機跟朋友通話,自覺孤單到活像置身於孤 島洞穴。」另一重慶大學生則說﹕「對於現代人,媒體溝通形同呼吸般重要。」一名香港學生則道﹕「我覺得很焦慮、苦悶,彷彿跟社會和朋輩隔絕。我一直想像, 他們在做什麼,在fb上寫什麼,幻想他們在MSN 上談什麼。我滿懷跟他們聯絡的強烈熱望。」
負責研究的莫勒(Susan Moeller)教授說,科技改變了學生的人際關係。「學生們談到惶恐得怎樣,上癮到怎樣。他們早料到(停用的)挫折感,卻預想不到會 有強烈心理反應,諸如感到寂寞、恐慌、焦慮,簡直是心悸。」
April 7, 2011
Index of Economic Freedom World Rankings ~ Year: 2011
The Top 10
Rank | Country | Overall | Change |
1 | Hong Kong | 89.7 | 0.0 |
2 | Singapore | 87.2 | 1.1 |
3 | Australia | 82.5 | -0.1 |
4 | New Zealand | 82.3 | 0.2 |
5 | Switzerland | 81.9 | 0.8 |
6 | Canada | 80.8 | 0.4 |
7 | Ireland | 78.7 | -2.6 |
8 | Denmark | 78.6 | 0.7 |
9 | United States | 77.8 | -0.2 |
10 | Bahrain | 77.7 | 1.4 |
April 5, 2011
April 4, 2011
We want to make a change.
Why can’t we just leave it like that??
Love and happiness only exists in soap operas??