January 31, 2012
Happiness is a choice. | |
蔡英文承認落敗辭任黨主席. I think 100 years later, we may have a Ms. President. The timing is still not right for her-蔡英文. | |
Brightness or darkness first exists?? It seems that darkness is forever. Brighness will never be forever because we do not have a sun, a star or candle light that never dies. | |
if we say darkness is the absence of something, can we say badness (or goodness) is absence of something?? And, why we cannot say goodness is the absence of evil\badness?? |
世上只有一人的話, 没有對與錯。但你能發現和知道對與錯在人羣裏, 公眾社會中存在。"Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will be different, yet, tomorrow is too often a repetition of today". ~ James T. McKay"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also".既使現在,在中国的人們正在慶祝龍年來臨,但地球另一面的美国, | |
Everything definitely means or is nothing. If you experience once, it is nothing (not a thing) to experience again. The first experience is the most valuable one that is what i just realized. And, there is no reason\point why you want (to try) it again and again.I just finally realize that everything definitely means nothing. If you experience once, it is nothing (not a thing) to experience again.“Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of its trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself and all things are possible.” Thomas A. KempisThere is only either YES or NO. MAYBE is just a time between YES and NO.Not everything we do is always appreciated."If you believe in one, you have to believe in the other"."Wars begin where you will, but they do not end where you please"."HOME OF THE BRAVE" is a good movie, I think.The truth always floats to the surface if you have faith and believe in that.A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end."God's Boxes" / "Two Boxes"NOTHING IS FOREVER!!choices and changes do really exist??OR we humans are just being controlled and arranged??我們人類常常想着改變,做個選擇。現在,我們好像能夠改變自己的選擇和改變真的存在嗎??或是我們每一個人都只是一粒無名的棋子 | |
You can change someone mind, but you cannot change your own heart.life is same as dreams. 人生如做夢(一樣)。我們不能控制做夢的開始與結束時間,就正如 |
Some people don't even care about the News on Earth, and who cares about your News?? aha
It is easier to let people know these days about your status because of Facebook or something like that.
But, who cares and why people cares about your news and status??
Is that just let some of your FRIENDS to LIKE??
January 2, 2012
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