January 31, 2012

世上只有一人的話, 没有對與錯。但你能發現和知道對與錯在人羣裏, 公眾社會中存在。

"Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will be different, yet, tomorrow is too often a repetition of today". ~ James T. McKay

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also".


Happiness can be achieved by using your patience.

What the hack he is talking about?? 他這樣説香港人是狗,香港人也是中国人,那麼他正在罵十三億中国人

-俄羅斯作家 托爾斯泰




people know how to use and browsing the Internet, but how many of you know the Internet works and connects, and how the Internet exists?


I just realized that in blind people's world, they not always have and see darkness; they can also be able to see and have brightness when they have dreams which give them a chance to see brightness.

Why God does not appear (i mean we cannot see him)?? If so, at least more humans may be better.

Dream (i mean not day dreaming) is the greatest thing in our human life.



Brightness or darkness first exists?? It seems that darkness is forever. Brighness will never be forever because we do not have a sun, a star or candle light that never dies.

蔡英文承認落敗辭任黨主席. I think 100 years later, we may have a Ms. President. The timing is still not right for her-蔡英文.

if we say darkness is the absence of something, can we say badness (or goodness) is absence of something?? And, why we cannot say goodness is the absence of evil\badness??

The brain thing is definitely not right, i think. We are able to see and touch our brain if we want to. during a surgery??)
...And if we can say darkness is the absence of something, why we cannot say brightness is the absence of it?? And, why we cannot say in an opposite way?? All things are (or are created) evil?? All things are 性本惡的呢?? It is really a critical thinking which we cannot find the answer in our life time. MAYBE only in faith as we alway say, think and believe.

Everything definitely means or is nothing. If you experience once, it is nothing (not a thing) to experience again. The first experience is the most valuable one that is what i just realized. And, there is no reason\point why you want (to try) it again and again.

I just finally realize that everything definitely means nothing. If you experience once, it is nothing (not a thing) to experience again.

“Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of its trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself and all things are possible.” Thomas A. Kempis

There is only either YES or NO. MAYBE is just a time between YES and NO.

Not everything we do is always appreciated.

"If you believe in one, you have to believe in the other".

"Wars begin where you will, but they do not end where you please".

"HOME OF THE BRAVE" is a good movie, I think.

The truth always floats to the surface if you have faith and believe in that.

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end.

"God's Boxes" / "Two Boxes"

I have in my hands two boxes,
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, 'Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all your joys in the gold.'

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,
Both my joys and sorrows I stored,
But though the gold became heavier each day,
The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused,
'I wonder where my sorrows could be!'
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
'My child, they're all here with me..'

I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
'My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings, the black is for you to let go'.


choices and changes do really exist??OR we humans are just being controlled and arranged??



"Life may not be the party we hoped for ... but while we are here we might as well dance!"

"Stolen Summer" is a touching movie. I really like it.
What the boy said in the movie is really reasonable.

HAPPINESS is not pleasure, it is a victory. And we not always have.


Why god needs to create this enormous universe?? This is always a question.


The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.

Always believe in Faith and Destiny.


You can change someone mind, but you cannot change your own heart.

life is same as dreams. 人生如做夢(一樣)。我們不能控制做夢的開始與結束時間,就正如我們的出生與死亡時間一樣是不由我們自己去決定與控制。雖然我們的夢境好像是我們所創造與控制的,但誰人能(真正)控制夢境的内容?? 夢 - 這樣東西一早已吿訴了我們人類 - 我們的人生是不由自主的,我們的人生是不由我們(真正)控制, 決定, 自主與改變。

Life is same as dreams. Can we humans really control our life?? Do you believe so?? 人生如做夢(一樣)。我們能真正控制與改變嗎??

凡事都要堅強面對, 因路還是要繼續走(下去), 直到死亡......
We should be strong enough to face everything, because everything needs to be continued until the death.....

Which one is more hard??
Laboring or Using brain thinking??

(勞苦) 勞力辛苦, 還是 用腦力辛苦 (腦苦)??

負: 寧天下人負我, 莫我負天下人










We live (as long as we can) until we die. That is what life is about, and what we can do.
Fact is a fact. No need to guess.
「i Phone都出到4s了,你還在用舊款Nokia?還見得人麼?


我不是說家長沒病,但病毒源頭或許並不在這裏。我們每天上班下班搭地鐵坐巴士上餐廳逛商場,都不難發現「病重」的香港人,專心致志的聚焦在那幾寸的手機屏幕中,埋首在浩瀚的網絡世界,跟十年不見一面的朋友寫句happy birthday,卻對身邊一切人和事,近乎冷感。
I hope time passes faster whatever my life will be.

學習並不是人生的全部, 但既然連人生的一部分也無法征服,還能做什麼 呢?

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