October 30, 2013

"Whenever we act on our own, putting the Lord aside, we are defeated". "As long as we stay away from God and presume that we can act apart from Him, we have been defeated already. We must see this" (message 18). And I must see this!

October 28, 2013

thank you Lord for today. Let me experience you more and more!! Amen!

thank you Lord for today. Let me experience you more and more!! Amen!
Praise the Lord there is NO Satan zone/appearance in the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 1 - 2 and also in the last chapter of the Bible Revelation 21 - 22. Brother Matt said that there are only 2 ways to enjoy the Lord. One way is by yourself, and another one is with others. Do not be Dead Sea which has no Life and no out flow. Lord is the living water and the living bread; what we need to do is to stay in the flow and continually drinking and eating Him. We not only believe Him as our Savior, and we need to receive Him day by day. What I enjoy the most in the college conference is: "It was not good for Himself to be alone; thus, He needed to create a counterpart for Himself". Praise the Lord we are the counterpart!! God really has a purpose. He needs us - men to build up the body of Christ. And, we all need to be transformed by eating and drinking Him every day to gain enough Oil in the feast and to build up the New Jerusalem! May the Lord gain me every day. "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Gal. 2:20). "For to me to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21).

October 19, 2013

Even when faith is small,
When there’s no hope at all,
I hear Him say to me,
Trust in Me and you’ll see,
That I’ll supply all your needs,
If only you will believe.
All anxious doubts will cease,
While trusting in Me.

Source: http://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn.php/ns/199#ixzz2i9K5tUIn
Even when faith is small,
When there’s no hope at all,
I hear Him say to me,
Trust in Me and you’ll see,
That I’ll supply all your needs,
If only you will believe.
All anxious doubts will cease,
While trusting in Me.

Source: http://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn.php/ns/199#ixzz2i9K5tUIn
We have a freedom of choice to choose The Tree of Life OR The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil every moment every time. "If you depend on God, everything is life". If you touch the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, "you have the source of death and receive death". (Message 14)

October 14, 2013

The Lord answered that it was not a question of the Right or Wrong, Yes or Not, but a matter of our spirit (to come fully into Life). (Message 14)

The Lord answered that it was not a question of the Right or Wrong, Yes or Not, but a matter of our spirit (to come fully into Life). (Message 14)

對我來說仍然重要的東西是: Lord Jesus! Amen!

對我來說仍然重要的東西是什麼? 你總是在趕完堆積如山的案子、工作之後,舒一口氣、垂垂肩膀,然後問自己:「為什麼我要做這些事情?一直以來這麼努力,究竟是在為誰辛苦為誰忙?回過頭 來,我又得到了什麼?」或許我們可以換個方式來問自己── 三十、五十年以後,對我來說仍然重要的東西是什麼?

對我來說仍然重要的東西是: Lord Jesus! Amen!

October 11, 2013

"The inner voice is not from the mind, emotion, or heart; it is from the conscience, and the conscience is the main part of our spirit". Thank God for giving us the conscience which is the main part of our spirit. Amen!

"The inner voice is not from the mind, emotion, or heart; it is from the conscience, and the conscience is the main part of our spirit". Thank God for giving us the conscience which is the main part of our spirit. Amen!

October 3, 2013

Lord i really want to go to the FTTA next week, Lord!!!

Lord soften my parents' heart to you, Lord. And let me go to the FTTA, and my parents will approve me to go to the training next year. Amen!