August 31, 2014

MOM: i will ask your dad to send you pictures where we took when we went to a trip in China! Ate a lot there! ����
ME (in my mind): WHY sending me pictures which i am NOT even there!! �� LOL!!

anyway, they just want to share the happiness to me! ����

August 30, 2014

我心所追求乃是神自己 (大270):

August 28, 2014


August 27, 2014



August 26, 2014

''有一次,一位弟兄來找李常受弟兄,問他說,我實在難以明白。。。我怎能知道我是用我的愛來愛人,或是用基督的愛來愛人呢?李弟兄回答他:若是你愛別人的愛是基督的愛,那就是無限的,是用之不竭的。若是你愛別人的愛是你自己的愛,我確信牠有盡頭,是有限的。'' (聖經之旅 ch3 week3)

got off early from work, first i though i had nothing to do, where i could go? But actually there are many things I can do! LOL! Anyway, thanks God to give me a rest today! 主耶穌永遠不落空的活水!!

Saints :)

Pray and read! Read and Pray! Keep pursuing and learning! May the Lord give us His wisdom to read His word!

August 25, 2014

Phil. 2:13 - For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure.
腓2:13 因為乃是神為著祂的美意,在你們裡面運行,使你們立志並行事。
''...exercise our spirit ... Day by day, we need to fight to eat, drink, and breathe Jesus...''

August 15, 2014

"Once there was a brother who had a long-standing health problem related to his stomach, and he often prayed earnestly about his illness. One day, I asked him, when u pray for your illness, is it for yourself or for the Lord? Saints, have your consecrated yourselves?” (God’s Need & God’s Goal chapter 3)

"If we are able to stand, we should not be proud; rather, we should worship God. We should realize that the fall that one person experiences today may be our experience tmr, and the stand that one person experiences today may be our experience tmr. We may be standing when another falls. However, it is quite possible that when he rises up, we may fall” … “God’s hand is supporting me; when I fall, I am still in His hand. He leads me in every circumstance, whether it is a rising or a falling. He is my Shepherd” (God’s Need & God’s Goal chapter Five).

"If we are able to stand, we should not be proud; rather, we should worship God. We should realize that the fall that one person experiences today may be our experience tmr, and the stand that one person experiences today may be our experience tmr. We may be standing when another falls. However, it is quite possible that when he rises up, we may fall” … “God’s hand is supporting me; when I fall, I am still in His hand. He leads me in every circumstance, whether it is a rising or a falling. He is my Shepherd” (God’s Need & God’s Goal chapter Five).