March 16, 2013

- I do not want to lie to you. - Each individual/person is a book. - "每一個人都是一本書". - "豈能盡如人意, 但求無愧於心". "天下就是傻瓜創造的, 只有最單純的人, 才能夠擁有最堅強的靈魂...只要你想做, 總會有辦法, 走路有風, 風不動人動...永遠不必理會別人對你的嘲笑, 只管前進"。 "一群真正關心你的朋友, 那個才是最珍貴的"。 Life is like a play and we human beings are like actors within the play. Actors should follow instructions, but we do have a choice not to follow them also. "Exams we have many...Dad [and Mom] mostly just one" (3 Idiots). "時間仍然不會為我們停下來, 繼續向前看, 日子仍然要過下去"。 Time does not stop for us. We must look forward. Life still has to go on. 人有兩條路要走. 一條是必須走的, 一條是想走的. 你必須把必須走的路走得漂亮, 才可以走想走的路. 平衡, 人生不要失去熱情, 也不要失去平靜/安穩/淡漠, 因一切都是為了活著!! 人生沒有期望, 就不會有失望。 Life has no expectations; there would be no disappointment. 人生未走到盡頭,人還是要把路繼續走下去。 If life not yet reached the end, we still need to keep going. The "MOON" is always there around us. Sometimes we cannot see the "MOON" NOT because "HE" is in the darkness or is not here around us. It is because WE are in the darkness. 地球不會沒有誰, 而不轉. The Earth will not stop rotation because of anyone. The world will not stop moving forward because of anyone. "I never became an atheist, I remain believe in God"!! 凡事相信祂, 永遠得寶貝與平安。amen NIHIL...NIHIL...... "I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear Him" (Ecclesiastes 3:14). "我 知 道 神 一 切 所 做 的 都 必 永 存 ; 無 所 增 添 , 無 所 減 少 。 神 這 樣 行 , 是 要 人 在 他 面 前 存 敬 畏 的 心 " (傳 道 書 3:14)。 We cannot control our life and destiny, but we can (and have a power to) choose Good or Evil. "有一些禮物是爸媽給的, 像長相, 像姓名......" -- 吴青峰, I am totally agree with that!!! Sometimes what you are looking for comes when you are not looking at all. Enjoy now when you/we are still in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) “Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel, Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind”. -- Dr. Seuss FOLLOW YOUR PASSION. FIND, DO, AND ENJOY WHAT YOU really LOVE. Never think wrong if never thinking. "Religion is flawed because man is flawed. Man is flawed, always. Even this one". 没有光輝歲月是永恒的。 Live for the moment, because there is only one result in life. 命中注定. "I often wonder, Am I living my own life, OR the life that I have been told to live??" - Good Deeds 別人再好, 關我什麼事......我再不好, 關別人什麼事...... 有些事, 不是我不在乎, 而是我在乎了又能怎樣?? 很多東西是您的, 就是您的, 不要太強求。 Although our life may not be (totally) controlled by us or ourselves, we can choose what we want to be: good (God) OR evil (Devil). Our/My life is about God vs Devil. I mean: Good vs Evil. 要放上帝第一位, 然後家人, 最後是工作...... "不要拿自己的生活跟別人比,因為你無法瞭解別人的經歷"。 "沒人能主宰你的 [ 快樂 ] ,除了你自己"。 傳道書 Ecclesiastes, especially Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 3:22 & Ecclesiastes 9:5 - 9:10 愈想要其東西, 就愈得不到。 常常懷著希望...... You have a car to drive; I have a bus to catch. "想象力比知識更為重要"。 - 美國科學家 爱因斯坦 "Imagination is more important than knowledge". - Albert Einstein, American Scientist. 有些事不必太追求, 可能在人生中一次就好了 Find something useful to do with our life. ==================================== "家家有本難唸的經", 人生就是這樣. ~ Really Like this movie: Memory is the most precious and the most important thing that people have. If we lose it, what is the purpose of living or human life?? Memory can be fiction; memory can also be reality. Fiction can become reality. If we lose our memory, reality will all become fiction again. memory is the best thing that we have in our life. If we lost our (life) memory after we die...and we have nothing at all. So, what's the point?? Life is same as dreams. 人生如做夢(一樣)。我們不能控制做夢的開始與結束時間,就正如我們的出生與死亡時間一樣是不由我們自己去決定與控制。雖然我們的夢境好像是我們所創造與控制的,但誰人能(真正)控制夢境的内容?? 夢 - 這樣東西一早已吿訴了我們人類 - 我們的人生是不由自主的,我們的人生是不由我們(真正)控制, 決定, 自主與改變。 Everything definitely means or is nothing. If you experience once, it is nothing (not a thing) to experience again. The first experience is the most valuable one that is what i just realized. And, there is no reason\point why you want (to try) it again and again. IF we say darkness is the absence of something, can we say badness (or goodness) is absence of something?? And, why we cannot say goodness is the absence of evil\badness?? Whatever you win the argument or not, Earth still rotates, and the Sun still rises in the East. 世上只有一人的話, 没有對與錯。但你能發現和知道對與錯在人羣裏, 公眾社會中存在。 What's the point...after we die and have no memory at all?? What I can say is: 珍惜每一天 to be a human 的機會!! Treasure every day to have an opportunity being a human!! 常常說要男女公平, 男女怎樣公平?? 男女是永遠無法得到公平的, period。 ===================================== LIFE IS A GAME - "Sometimes" by Mr. Barry White =============================== "Tomorrow Will Be Better" "明天會更好" (英文版)   =============================== "忘憂草" by 周華健 曲︰宇德敬子 詞︰宇德敬子/陳沒 編︰陳德騏/周華健 =============================== "給自己的情書" - 王菲 曲︰C.Y.KONG 詞︰林夕 編︰C.Y.KONG ==================================== "笑忘書" - 王菲 曲︰C.Y.KONG 詞︰林夕 編︰C.Y.KONG =================================== "似水流年" - 梅艷芳 填詞:鄭國江 編曲:黎小田 望着海一片 滿懷倦 無淚也無言 望着天一片 祇感到 情懷亂 我的心又似小木船 遠景不見 但仍向着前 誰在命裏主宰我 每天掙扎 人海裏面 心中感嘆 似水流年 不可以留住昨天 留下祇有思念 一串串 永遠纏 浩瀚煙波裏 我懷念 懷念往年 外貌早改變 處境都變 情懷未變 ===================================== "我們提升生命的質量,不在於你活了多久,抓住了多少,而是你把握了多少精彩瞬間,放棄了多少不屬於你的東西"。 "沒有事情是好的或壞的, 是你的想法使它如此"。– 威廉‧莎士比亞 William Shakespeare "Everyone deserves to live a life in dignity; Every life is precious". "一切生命都有尊嚴, 一切生命都有價值". "It's all a dream and illusion now, It must come true sometime soon somehow". 無論怎樣, 日子都要過。 凡事無絕對。 Time changes everything. "人生活在當下, 身不由己". Whatever you win the argument or not, Earth still rotates, and the Sun still rises in the East. "人有兩條路要走. 一條是必須走的, 一條是想走的. 你必須把必須走的路走得漂亮, 才可以走想走的路". 人生未走到盡頭時, 希望和機會還是有的, 是嗎?? 很多事情不是您所想的那樣。 人生應該有著零分最壞的打算。 We definitely have no control of how or when we die Just Like when or how we were born. We could have choices to choose many things in our life, except Life and Death. The reason why we all are different is because you have the experience that i do not have. And, no two people/humans are the same. 人生不知為著什麼活著,活著又不知為著什麼。 ლ(╹◡╹ლ) Jeffrey Chan

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